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Trang chủ » ㄴ 지 grammar 으로 완벽히 이해하자! 초보화자들에게 직관적인 공부법은 무엇일까요? (클릭해서 알아보세요!)

ㄴ 지 grammar 으로 완벽히 이해하자! 초보화자들에게 직관적인 공부법은 무엇일까요? (클릭해서 알아보세요!)

한국어배우기 | 한국어문법 122:  V-은 지/ㄴ 지 | Korean Grammar with Basic Korean

ㄴ 지 grammar

ㄴ 지 grammar is an essential aspect of the Korean language that allows speakers to express various meanings and interpretations. Understanding how to use ㄴ 지 grammar correctly is crucial for fluent communication in Korean. In this article, we will explore the fundamental concepts of ㄴ 지 grammar, its usage in question and conjecture forms, expressing experiences, intentions, and other aspects of daily life. We will also touch upon the nuances of using ㄴ 지 grammar in informal and formal contexts.

1. Understanding the Basic Concept of ㄴ 지 Grammar

ㄴ 지 grammar is used to express a certain situation or state. It is formed by attaching the auxiliary verb 지 to the noun or verb stem. This helps to convey particular meanings such as certainty, possibility, uncertainty, or assumption. By using ㄴ 지 grammar, we can indicate that the speaker has a certain understanding or knowledge about a given topic.

2. Using 지 in Question Forms

ㄴ 지 grammar is commonly used in question forms to seek confirmation or to ask for specific information. For example:

– 이 책은 좋은 책이죠? (Is this book a good book?)
– 저녁에 먹은 게 뭐예요? (What did you eat for dinner?)

In these examples, using 지 at the end of the sentence emphasizes the expectation of a specific response or the speaker’s understanding of the information being discussed.

3. Usage of 지 in Interrogative Forms

ㄴ 지 grammar can also be employed in interrogative forms to express uncertainty or to ask for clarification. Here are some examples:

– 왜 그런지 모르겠어요. (I don’t know why that is.)
– 어떻게 해야 하는 지 알려주세요. (Please let me know what I should do.)

In these sentences, 지 is used to indicate the speaker’s lack of understanding or confusion about a particular issue. It places emphasis on the need for clarification or guidance.

4. Expressing Conjecture and Assumptions with 지

ㄴ 지 grammar allows us to express conjecture and assumptions based on the given context. It is often used to make educated guesses or logical deductions. For instance:

– 비가 오는 지 봤어요. (I saw whether it was raining or not.)
– 그 사람이 우리 학교 출신인 지 알아요. (I know whether that person is from our school or not.)

In these examples, 지 is employed to express the speaker’s perception or deduction based on what they have observed or learned.

5. Expressing Experiences with 지

ㄴ 지 grammar is also utilized to express experiences in Korean. Using 지 in such contexts helps to indicate that the speaker has experienced a particular event or situation. For example:

– 한국에 온 지 열흘 됐어요. (It has been ten days since I arrived in Korea.)
– 그 영화는 이미 본 지 오래됐어요. (It has been a long time since I watched the movie.)

In these sentences, 지 emphasizes the speaker’s personal experience or elapsed time since a specific event took place.

6. Expressing Intentions with 지

ㄴ 지 grammar can also be used to express intentions or plans. By using 지 in these instances, the speaker conveys their determination or commitment toward a specific action. For instance:

– 퇴근하고 나서 영화를 보러 갈 지 생각하고 있어요. (I am considering watching a movie after work.)
– 공부를 끝낸 다음에 친구를 만나기로 했어요. (I decided to meet my friend after finishing studying.)

In these sentences, 지 indicates the speaker’s intention or firm decision regarding future actions.

7. Usage of 지 in Informal and Formal Contexts

ㄴ 지 grammar can be used in both informal and formal contexts. In informal speech, 지 can be omitted, and the sentence would still be grammatically correct, albeit slightly less formal. In formal settings or when speaking to someone of higher authority, it is recommended to include 지 for more precise and respectful communication.


Q: How is ㄴ 지 grammar different from other similar grammar forms?
A: ㄴ 지 grammar differs from other similar forms such as 게 되다 grammar, Noun 지 grammar, and 으 ㄴ/는지 grammar. While these forms share some similarities, they have specific usage contexts and nuances.

Q: Can 지 be used with any verb or noun?
A: Yes, 지 can be used with both verbs and nouns. However, keep in mind that it may require some modifications depending on the verb or noun stem and its conjugation rules.

Q: What is the difference between 이나 grammar and 지 grammar?
A: 이나 grammar is used to list examples or options, while 지 grammar is used to express certain states, experiences, intentions, or conjecture.

Q: What is the role of 지요 grammar?
A: 지요 is a polite and softer way of using 지 in sentences. It is often used to ask for confirmation or seek agreement from the listener.

Q: How does ㅂ니다 form fit with v 으 ㄴ 지 grammar?
A: When using ㅂ니다 form, the verb stem ending in 으 will undergo an irregular conjugation before attaching 지 to form v 으 ㄴ 지 grammar.

In conclusion, ㄴ 지 grammar is a versatile and essential tool in expressing various meanings and interpretations in the Korean language. By understanding its basic concepts and usage patterns, learners can effectively communicate their intentions, seek clarification, and express their experiences. Whether in formal or informal contexts, mastering ㄴ 지 grammar enhances one’s fluency and proficiency in Korean.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: ㄴ 지 grammar 는 지 grammar, 게 되다 grammar, Noun 지 grammar, 으 ㄴ/는지 grammar, 이나 grammar, 지요 grammar, v 으 ㄴ 지 ng php, N(이)나 grammar

Categories: Top 17 ㄴ 지 grammar

한국어배우기 | 한국어문법 122: V-은 지/ㄴ 지 | Korean Grammar with Basic Korean

여기에서 자세히 보기:

는 지 grammar

Title: Understanding the Complexity of the 는 지 Grammar in Korean


In the Korean language, the 는 지 (neun ji) grammar structure plays a crucial role in forming complex sentences. It is often used to express various meanings, such as uncertainty, speculation, or questioning. To truly understand and use this grammar structure effectively, one must analyze its different forms, nuances, and exceptions. This article aims to shed light on the intricacies of 는 지 grammar, providing comprehensive explanations and addressing frequently asked questions.

1. Basic Structure and Usage:

The 는 지 grammar pattern consists of the verb stem followed by the particle “는” (neun) and the conjunctive particle “지” (ji). This structure is commonly used to express uncertainty or to describe a temporary state of being.

Example: 공원에 가 는 지 모르겠어요. (Gong-won-e ga neun ji moreugetseoyo.)
(I’m not sure if I will go to the park.)

2. Expressing Uncertainty or Speculation:

One of the primary functions of the 는 지 grammar structure is to express uncertainty and speculation. This enables Koreans to convey unsure or ambiguous situations in a concise manner.

Example: 시간이 오래 걸리 는 지도 몰라요. (Sigani olrae geolli neun jido mollayo.)
(I don’t know if it will take a long time.)

3. Describing Past or Completed Actions:

While the 는 지 structure typically conveys present or future events with uncertainty, it can also be used to describe past or completed actions with speculative undertones.

Example: 지난 주에 뭔가 실수 를 했 는 지 모르겠어요. (Jinan jue mwonga silsu reul haet neun ji moreugetseoyo.)
(I’m not sure if I made any mistakes last week.)

4. Frequently Asked Questions:

4.1 Can 는 지 be used with all verb forms?

The 는 지 structure can be used with various verb forms, including action verbs, descriptive verbs, and even adjectives. However, it should be noted that the auxiliary verb “하” (ha) is often added before adjectives to facilitate their connection with the 는 지 structure.

Example: 더 많은 사람이 왜 안 오 는 지 알려 주세요. (Deo manheun sarami wae an o neun ji allyeo juseyo.)
(Please tell me why more people aren’t coming.)

4.2 Can 는 지 be used to ask questions?

While the 는 지 structure is commonly used to express uncertainty, it is not typically employed to ask questions directly. Korean interrogative sentence structures, such as -아/어 지 않다 (-a/e ji anhda), are commonly used for this purpose.

Example: 밖에 비 가 왜 오 지 않 는 지 궁금해요. (Bakke bi ga wae o ji anh neun ji gunggeumhaeyo.)
(I wonder why it’s not raining outside.)

4.3 Are there any exceptions or irregularities with 는 지 grammar?

Yes, there are a few instances where 는 지 follows unique patterns. For example, some verbs require additional endings to form the 는 지 structure, such as -ㄴ 지 -다 (n ji da) for verbs ending in a consonant and -은 지 -다 (eun ji da) for verbs ending in a vowel.

Example: 데려 가 다 는 지 아닐 지 몰라요. (Deryeo ga da neun ji anil ji mollayo.)
(I don’t know if I should take it with me.)


The 는 지 grammar structure in Korean plays a vital role in expressing uncertainty, speculation, and temporary states of being. By mastering the use of this grammar pattern, learners can effectively convey nuanced meanings in their conversations. Understanding the basic structure, usage, and exceptions of 는 지 allows for a more comprehensive grasp of the language and paves the way for more intricate sentence constructions.

게 되다 grammar

게 되다 Grammar in Korean: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to 게 되다 Grammar
Korean grammar can be quite intricate, with various verb forms and sentence structures to master. A commonly used grammar pattern in Korean is ‘게 되다’ (ge doeda). This construction expresses the process or result of a situation that has changed or transitioned over time. It is remarkably versatile and can be used in various contexts, making it a crucial aspect of understanding and expressing oneself fluently in Korean.

Understanding the Usage of 게 되다
The basic structure of 게 되다 consists of an action verb stem plus ‘게 되다.’ When conjugated with different verb stems and tenses, it reflects the change or transition that has occurred. It implies that something happened unintentionally or is beyond one’s control. It is important to note that the final verb of a sentence should be in polite form, either 해요체 (haeyoche) or 합쇼체 (hamsyoche).

Transforming Present Tense Verbs with 게 되다
To transform present tense verbs using 게 되다, we first take the verb stem by removing the 다 (da) ending and add게 되다 instead. For example, let’s consider the verb ‘가다’ (gada), which means ‘to go.’ Converting it to 게 되다, we get 가게 되다 (gage doeda), which means ‘to end up going’ or ‘to come to go.’

Here are a few more examples of present tense verbs transformed with 게 되다:

1. 먹다 (meokda) – to eat
먹게 되다 (meokge doeda) – to end up eating

2. 자다 (jada) – to sleep
자게 되다 (jage doeda) – to end up sleeping

3. 보다 (boda) – to see
보게 되다 (boge doeda) – to end up seeing

Expressing the Past with 게 되다
When indicating past events or actions using 게 되다, we use the past tense of the verb stem. This involves removing the 다 (da) ending and adding 았/었게 되다 (at/eotge doeda).

Let’s take a look at some examples of past tense verbs transformed with 게 되다:

1. 먹었다 (meogeotda) – ate
먹었게 되다 (meogeotge doeda) – ended up eating

2. 자고 있었다 (jago isseotda) – was sleeping
자고 있었게 되다 (jago isseotge doeda) – ended up sleeping

3. 봤다 (bwatda) – saw
봤게 되다 (bwatge doeda) – ended up seeing

Using 게 되다 to Express Future Actions
Unlike in English, when expressing future actions with 게 되다 in Korean, we do not modify the verb stem. Instead, 게 becomes a connector to future tense endings like 겠다 (getda).

Here are a few examples of future actions using 게 되다:

1. 먹을 거예요 (meogeul geoyeyo) – will eat
먹을 게 되다 (meogeul ge doeda) – will end up eating

2. 자겠어요 (jagess-eoyo) – will sleep
자게 되다 (jage doeda) – will end up sleeping

3. 볼 거예요 (bol geoyeyo) – will see
볼 게 되다 (bol ge doeda) – will end up seeing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q: Can 게 되다 only be used with action verbs?
A: No, 게 되다 can be used with both action verbs and descriptive verbs. However, the final verb in the sentence should always be in its polite form.

Q: How do we determine whether to use present, past, or future tense with 게 되다?
A: The tense of 게 되다 depends on the tense of the verb it is conjugated with. To indicate present actions, use present tense verbs. For past actions, use past tense verbs, and for future actions, use present tense verbs with future tense endings.

Q: Are there any exceptions to the conjugation of 게 되다?
A: Yes, some irregular verbs require special conjugations. For example, the verb ‘하다’ (hada), which means ‘to do,’ becomes 하게 되다 (hage doeda) when transformed with 게 되다.

Q: Can 게 되다 be used in formal or informal conversations?
A: 게 되다 is more commonly used in formal or written contexts. In informal conversations, alternative expressions such as -게 된다 (-ge doenda) or -게 되어 (-ge doeo) are more frequently used.

Mastering 게 되다 grammar is vital for expressing changes or transitions in various situations in Korean. By understanding its usage and conjugation, learners can effectively convey unintentional events or outcomes. Whether discussing present, past, or future actions, one can articulate their thoughts more accurately using this versatile grammar pattern.

주제와 관련된 이미지 ㄴ 지 grammar

한국어배우기 | 한국어문법 122:  V-은 지/ㄴ 지 | Korean Grammar with Basic Korean
한국어배우기 | 한국어문법 122: V-은 지/ㄴ 지 | Korean Grammar with Basic Korean

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Eng)Korean Basic Grammar [V-(으)ㄴ 지] / 한국어 기초 문법 [V-(으)ㄴ 지] / Learning Korean /한국어 배우기 – Youtube
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Eng)Korean Basic Grammar [V-(으)ㄴ 지] / 한국어 기초 문법 [V-(으)ㄴ 지] / Learning  Korean /한국어 배우기 - Youtube
Eng)Korean Basic Grammar [V-(으)ㄴ 지] / 한국어 기초 문법 [V-(으)ㄴ 지] / Learning Korean /한국어 배우기 – Youtube
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Korean Grammar] -(느)ㄴ다면 Expressing Hypothetical Situations - Sayhikorean
Korean Grammar] -(느)ㄴ다면 Expressing Hypothetical Situations – Sayhikorean

Article link: ㄴ 지 grammar.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 ㄴ 지 grammar.

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